We mark the change of winter into spring at the vernal equinox—March 20th in 2018. But even that measurable moment in the Earth’s orbit is a moment in a continuum. Change is continuous, but the constant-ness of it can be hard to perceive, hard to take in.

Join David Garland in honoring the contant-ness of change, the continuousness of transition. With songs about winter by Susanna and Karen Mantler; an excerpt from David’s essay “On Repetition and Continuousness,” and an award-winning very, very, short, short audio fantasy about climate change.

Earth image: NOAA/NASA / background image of snow: Anne Garland; Susanna performing on Spinning On Air; Karen Mantler in the Spinning On Air studio / photos: David Garland

Above: “Verdancy” album packaging

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